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Resilience is a process of adapting to difficult challenges and experiences.

This christmas cactus (6 years) and the poinsettia (3 years) that i have nourished are a great example. I leave them in the summer and they thrive on their own, choosing life and strength. They persist.

This reminds me of my students. When they work with me I do my best to imbue in them tools and confidence to pursue their art goals. Following that experience, they go through their practice engaging in their own form of experimentation and quality of their own visual voice.

I am happy that they have this time to grow and change in their work and am grateful for every experience.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me in 2023.

I especially thank my professional galleries that work so hard to promote my work and allow me to "pay it forward"to others through financial help and support for Women Artists.

Also, the associations that keep the creative message available to all levels of folks.

However you celebrate this time of year, or even if you don't. I am sending you all a special meditation to shine on you this season.

My gratitude is heartfelt and abundant.



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